Class 2nd Mathematics

Class 2nd Mathematics Notes

What is Long, What is Round?

Class 2 Maths Chapter 1 What is Long, What is Round?Pointed at one end, flat at the other, but round like a pipe. Guess what it is?


Counting in Groups

Class 2 Maths Chapter 2 Counting in Groups: There are 3 lines with 3 pairs of shoes in each line. That makes 9 pairs of shoes.


How Much Can You Carry?

Class 2 Maths Chapter 3 How Much Can You Carry?The sacks of woollen cloth became heavy on absorbing water, so the donkey felt heavier.


Counting in Tens

Class 2 Maths Chapter 4 Counting in Tens: How many garlands of 10 flowers each can you make using 21 flowers? Draw them in the space below.



Class 2 Maths Chapter 5 Patterns: Look at the picture and help Binni in matching which piece is of the same pattern.



Class 2 Maths Chapter 6 Footprints: When Bholu came with his camera, all he saw was the footprints of these animals.


Jugs and Mugs

Class 2 Maths Chapter 7 Jugs and Mugs: Yes, it is casier to pour into a glass from a jug than a bucket.


Tens and Ones

Class 2 Maths Chapter 8 Tens and Ones: Can you do this without Uncle’s help? Draw the 10-rupee notes and 1-rupee coins you will give for these things.


My Funday

Class 2 Maths Chapter 9 My Funday: Monday is happy to be the first day of the week. Now you tell—


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Add our Points

Class 2 Maths Chapter 10 Add our Points: Prabha is going to her grandmother, who lives in the next village. She wants to take 15 kg sugarcane.


Lines and Lines

Class 2 Maths Chapter 11 Lines and Lines: Collect used matchsticks. Have fun making numbers and letters with these.


Give and Take

Class 2 Maths Chapter 12 Give and Take: Now you find how many necklaces and loose beads the other children take


The Longest Step

Class 2 Maths Chapter 13 The Longest Step: Three friends — a rabbit, an elephant and a deer — were playing together in a park.


Birds Come, Birds Go

Class 2 Maths Chapter 14 Birds Come, Birds Go: In the same way, we will add the number of swans and cranes.


How Many Ponytails?

Class 2 Maths Chapter 15 How Many Ponytails?: The different fruits are bananas. mangoes, oranges and apples.