Class 5th EVS

Class 5th EVS Notes

Super Senses

Class 5 EVS Chapter 1 Super Senses: 1.How did the ant know that the other ants were not from its group?


A Snake Charmer’s Story

Class 5 EVS Chapter 2 A Snake Charmer’s Story: 5.In chapter 1, you read that snakes do not have ears which you can see. Can the snake hear the been


From Tasting To Digesting

Class 5 EVS Chapter 3 From Tasting To Digesting: 1. Jhoolan’s mouth started watering when she heard the word imli. When does your mouth water?


Mangoes Round The Year

Class 5 EVS Chapter 4 Mangoes Round The Year: 2.Have you ever seen some food that has got spoilt? How did you know that it was spoilt?


Seeds And Seeds

Class 5 EVS Chapter 5 Seeds And Seeds: 2.What things do you eat after sprouting? How are they sprouted? How much time does it take?


Every Drop Counts

Class 5 EVS Chapter 6 Every Drop Counts: 2.How do you think the rainwater that falls on the roof will reach the underground tank? Draw the path.


Experiments With Water

Class 5 EVS Chapter 7 Experiments With Water: 4.Have you seen that some things float on water while others sink? Think how this happens?


A Treat For Mosquitoes

Class 5 EVS Chapter 8 A Treat For Mosquitoes: 5.In which season is malaria more common? Why do you think this happens?


Up You Go!

Class 5 EVS Chapter 9 Up You Go!: 1.Have you ever seen the mountains? Have you also climbed a mountain? When and where?


Walls Tell Stories

Class 5 EVS Chapter 10 Walls Tell Stories: 3.What difference would be there if you were to look from a straight flat wall or a bastion at a height?


Sunita In Space

Class 5 EVS Chapter 11 Sunita In Space: 1.What do you think the earth looks like? Make a drawing of the earth in your notebook.


What If It Finishes?

Class 5 EVS Chapter 12 What If It Finishes?: Ans.It can see following vehicles; bus, car, motorcycle, scooter, auto-rickshaw, cycle, etc.


A Shelter So High!

Class 5 EVS Chapter 13 A Shelter So High!: 1.Check in your map. Which state? would one pass through while travelling from Mumbai to Kashmir?


When The Earth Shook!

Class 5 EVS Chapter 14 When The Earth Shook!: 1.A lot of people from other places came to Jasma’s village. Who were these people?


Blow Hot, Blow Cold

Class 5 EVS Chapter 15 Blow Hot, Blow Cold: 2.Blow hard from your mouth onto your hands. How did you find the air from your mouth as compared


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Who Will Do This Work?

Class 5 EVS Chapter 16 Who Will Do This Work?: 2.Have you ever thought of people who do this work? Can you imagine how they would feel?


Across The Wall

Class 5 EVS Chapter 17 Across The Wall: 1.Has anyone ever stopped you from playing some games? Which games?


No Place For Us?

Class 5 EVS Chapter 18 No Place For Us?: 1.Jatrya felt alone, even in a crowd of people. Have you ever felt like this?


A Seed Tells A Farmers Story

Class 5 EVS Chapter 19 A Seed Tells A Farmers Story: 1.In your house what is done to protect grains and pulses from insects?


Whose Forests?

Class 5 EVS Chapter 20 Whose Forests?: 2.If someone grew lots of trees close to each other, would this become a forest?


Like Father, Like Daughter

Class 5 EVS Chapter 21 Like Father, Like Daughter: 1.Does your face or anything else look similar to that of someone else in your family?


On The Move Again

Class 5 EVS Chapter 22 On The Move Again: 2.During what time of the year did Dhanu’s family get work in the village?