Class 8th Social Science MCQ

History Chapter 2 Tribals, Dikus and the Vision of a Golden Age

Q1. Britishers were referred as _____ by tribals.
1. killers.
2. Devta.
3. Dikus.
4. Raja.

Ans: 3. Dikus.
Q2. Which one from the following options is closest in meaning to Guerilla warfare?
1. The suppression of a rebellion using non-violence.
2. An operation by the Government to control a large group of people who rebel
3. Non-conventional warfare of smaller groups attacking a large army.
4. Non-conventional warfare of a large army attacking a small group.

Ans: 3. Non-conventional warfare of smaller groups attacking a large army.
Q3. In 1910 which tribe revolted in Central India?
1. Bastar.
2. Gond.
3. Khond.
4. Munda.

Ans: 1. Bastar.
Q4. Why did the British consider the Chhota Nagpur belt vital?
1. This region had rich minerals and also dense teak and Sal forests.
2. This region was an important place for the British to sell their produce.
3. This region had a lot of adivasis who could work for the British.
4. This region had many big buildings.

Ans: 1. This region had rich minerals and also dense teak and Sal forests.
Q5. Which one of the following refers to the correct meaning of habitats?
1. Unidentified places.
2. Parasitic organisms.
3. Fresh water organisms.
4. Dwelling places.
Ans: 4. Dwelling places.
Q6. Choose the correct option:
Kusum and palash flowers were used to:
1. Prepare madicines.
2. Make garlands.
3. Colour clothes and leather.
4. Prepare hair oil.

Ans: 3. Colour clothes and leather.
Q7. What is the literal meaning of the word fallow?
1. A field left uncultivated for a while so that the soil recovers fertility.
2. A luxuriant land with a lot of crops cultivated on it.
3. A fertile land for cultivation.
4. A dense forest.

Ans: 1. A field left uncultivated for a while so that the soil recovers fertility.
Q8. Why did the tribals saw the moneylenders and traders as evil outsiders and the cause for their misery?
1. Tribals had to compulsorily work for the traders and money lenders as their labourers.
2. Tribals often gave the goods they produced to the traders and hence they were without food most of the
3. Tribals had to often buy goods from the traders at higher price with the money given as a loan by the
moneylenders, and they were always in debt and poverty.
4. Tribals thought themselves as forest people and hence did not want any money lender or trader to interfere
in their affairs.

Ans: 3. Tribals had to often buy goods from the traders at higher price with the money given as a loan by the moneylenders, and they were
always in debt and poverty.
Q9. ____ is one of the animals reared by tribals.
1. Yak.
2. Dog.
3. Cat.
4. Snake.

Ans: 1. Yak.
Q10. Tribals were often forced to work in ____ mines of Bihar during British rule.
1. Coal.
2. Gold.
3. Petroleum.
4. Iron.

Ans: 1. Coal.
Q11. _______ is a tribe based in Kashmir.
1. Bakarwal.
2. Jhum.
3. Santhal.
4. Jarawas.

Ans: 1. Bakarwal.
Q12. ________ are the tribes who never interact with the outside world.
1. Khasi.
2. Jarawas.
3. Orans.
4. Gujjars.

Ans: 2. Jarawas.
Q13. Which tribe was reluctant to work for others?
1. Khond.
2. Munda.
3. Baiga.
4. Kol.

Ans: 3. Baiga.
Q14. Choose the correct option:
The Gaddis of Kulu were:

1. Shepherds
2. Cattle herders
3. Fruit gatherers
4. Hunters

Ans: 1. Shepherds.
Q15. To which tribe did Birsa belong to?
1. Santhals.
2. Oreons.
3. Mundas.
4. Kols.
Ans: 3. Mundas.
Q16. Choose the correct option:
Vaishnav preachers were the worshippers of:

1. Shiva
2. Durga
3. Krishna
4. Vishnu

Ans: 4. Vishnu
Q17. The Santhal tribals belong to:
1. Uttar Pradesh.
2. Madhya Pradesh.
3. Jharkhand.
4. Maharashtra.

Ans: 3. Jharkhand.
Q18. Name the Act passed by the British In 1865 that gave British the power to declare any forest land as Government

1. Forest Ruling Act.
2. Indian Forest Act.
3. Forest Bye-Laws.
4. Forest Directive Act.

Ans: 2. Indian Forest Act.
Q19. Choose the correct option:
British officials saw these settled tribal groups as more civilised than hunter- gatherers:

1. Gortds
2. Sahthals
3. Khonds
4. Both (a) and (b)

Ans: 4. Both (a) and (b).
Q20. What is Jhum or Jhoom Cultivation?
1. This type of cultivation cleared a small patch of land, grew crops like rice,vegetable, fruits etc. and when the
soil loses fertility, moved and shifted to another patch of virgin land for cultivation.
2. In this type, the British allotted different lands to the tribals and asked them to grow indigo plants instead of
3. In this type of cultivation, the tribal chief divided the forest land and asked the tribals to grow crops.
4. This type of cultivation encouraged the farmers to grow various crops simultaneously according to the

Ans: 1. This type of cultivation cleared a small patch of land, grew crops like rice,vegetable, fruits etc. and when the soil loses fertility,
moved and shifted to another patch of virgin land for cultivation.
Q21. ___ are prominent tribes of Maharashtra.
1. Banjara.
2. Bhils.
3. Bhotia.
4. Mala Irular.

Ans: 1. Banjara.
Q22. Shifting cultivation is known as _____ in Madhya Pradesh.
1. Buwai.
2. Bewar.
3. Jhuming.
4. Ploughing.
Ans: 2. Bewar.
Q23. During which period the live of tribal groups mostly changed?
1. Mughals.
2. Sultanate.
3. After Independence.
4. British period.

Ans: 4. British period.
Q24. Type of cultivation in which farmer left the land after two or three years of cultivation:
1. Shifting agriculture.
2. Primitive agriculture.
3. Commercial agriculture.
4. None of the above.

Ans: 1. Shifting agriculture.
Q25. _______ were followers of Birsa Munda.
1. Orans.
2. Bhils.
3. Brahmans.
4. Vaishyas.

Ans: 1. Orans.
Q26. Van Gujjars and Labadis were.
1. Cattle herders.
2. Settled cultivators.
3. Hunters.
4. Food gatherers.

Ans: 1. Cattle herders.
Q27. A few statement related to the Adivasis are given below. Choose the one that is not applicable to the tribals of

1. Isolated, they stayed away from the society and never exploited nature.
2. They shared common culture.
3. The adivasis did not like to live in communities or groups.
4. They lived in forests and hills.

Ans: 3. The adivasis did not like to live in communities or groups.
Q28. For whom the term ‘diku’ was used?
1. Chowkidar.
2. Thikanedar.
3. Outsiders.
4. None.

Ans: 3. Outsiders.
Q29. Choose the correct option:
The Khonds belonged to-

1. Gujarat
2. Jharkhand
3. Orissa
4. Punjab

Ans: 3. Orissa
Q30. What did the Tribal groups do when they wanted to buy goods not produced in their locality?
1. Tribals bought goods for higher prices from traders and money lenders gave loan for this.
2. Tribals did not buy such goods at all.
3. Like a barter system, Tribals bought goods they wanted in return for the goods they produced.
4. Tribals went to another locality worked there as labourers in return for the goods.
Ans: 1. Tribals bought goods for higher prices from traders and money lenders gave loan for this.
Q31. Apart from the Forest Regulation Act, which was the other Act passed by the British in 1871 which labeled all the
adivasi groups that rebelled against the British as criminals.

1. Illegal Tribes Act.
2. Illegal societies Act.
3. Criminal Societies Act.
4. Criminal Tribes Act.

Ans: 4. Criminal Tribes Act.
Q32. Why did the local weavers and leather workers turn to the Khonds for help?
1. When the local weavers and leather workers needed oil for production.
2. When the local weavers and leather workers needed forest shrubs and herbs for medicinal purpose.
3. When the local weavers and leather workers needed supplies of kusum and palash flowers to colour their
clothes and leather.
4. When the local weavers and leather workers needed to hunt animals.

Ans: 3. When the local weavers and leather workers needed supplies of kusum and palash flowers to colour their clothes and leather.
Q33. From the given number of options, choose the one that can be best tells us about the Gaddis of Kulu.
1. Money lenders.
2. Reared only goats.
3. Shepherds.
4. Tribal chieftains.

Ans: 3. Shepherds.
Q34. Which one of the following best describes the Labadis of Andhra Pradesh?
1. Tribal chieftains.
2. Labourers.
3. Cattle herders.
4. Money lenders.

Ans: 3. Cattle herders.
Q35. British failed in their efforts to settle _____ at one place.
1. Tribals.
2. Jhum cultivators.
3. Villagers.
4. Farmers.

Ans: 2. Jhum cultivators.
Q36. Why were the Baigas of Central India reluctant to do work for others?
1. Since Baigas were tribal chieftains, they thought they cannot work as labourers.
2. Since Baigas only reared cattle, they thought they cannot work as labourers.
3. Since Baigas saw themselves as people of the forest, they thought it below their dignity to work as a
4. Since the Baigas were money lenders, they thought lending money was more profitable.

Ans: 3. Since Baigas saw themselves as people of the forest, they thought it below their dignity to work as a labourers.
Q37. _______ based in Himachal Pradesh are shepherd tribes.
1. Santhal.
2. Gaddis.
3. Khasi.
4. Bhil.

Ans: 2. Gaddis.
Q38. _____ were main people in the tribal region before the British conquered them.
1. King.
2. Minister.
3. Tribal chief.
4. Advisors.

Ans: 3. Tribal chief.
Q39. To colour their clothes, tribals use the flowers of:
1. Mango.
2. Kusum.
3. Lotus.
4. Rose.

Ans: 2. Kusum.
Q40. Who were Khonds?
1. Hunters.
2. Settled.
3. Food gatherers.
4. Jhum cultivators.

Ans: 1. Hunters.
Q41. __________ occurred in Central India in 1910.
1. Bastar rebellion.
2. Worli revolt.
3. Oran revolt.
4. Jarawa revolt.

Ans: 1. Bastar rebellion.
Q42. _______ tribe is based in Odisha.
1. Bhotia.
2. Santhal.
3. Dongria Kandha.
4. Orans.

Ans: 3. Dongria Kandha.
Q43. Who were the followers of Birsa other than Mundra tribe?
1. Khasi and Toda.
2. Santhal and Oraons.
3. Baiga and Khond.
4. Santhal and Khond.

Ans: 2. Santhal and Oraons.
Q44. From the seeds of Sal and Mahua, the tribal extract oil to cook. What exactly is Mahua?
1. Root of a tree.
2. A flower that is eaten or used to make alcohol.
3. Stem of a tree.
4. Leaves of a tree.

Ans: 2. A flower that is eaten or used to make alcohol.
Q45. The Santhal revolt took place in.
1. 1855
2. 1857
3. 1860
4. 1862

Ans: 1. 1855
Q46. Birsa Munda died in.
1. 1900
2. 1897
3. 1899
4. 1901

Ans: 1. 1900
Q47. What did the Bakarwals of Kashmir rear?
1. Only horses.
2. Only cattle.
3. Only bullocks.
4. Only goats.

Ans: 4. Only goats.
Q48. Tribals cook food with the help of ____ seeds.
1. Palash.
2. Mahua.
3. Mango.
4. Avocado.

Ans: 2. Mahua.
Q49. From the following list of choices, which one would be most appropriate meaning of the term Adivasis?
1. Tribals.
2. Money lenders.
3. Land lords.
4. Village Headmen.

Ans: 1. Tribals.
Q50. ______ was one of the prominent tribal leaders during the freedom struggle.
1. Birsa Munda.
2. Bhagoji Naik.
3. Arjun Munda.
4. Ambroz Naik.

Ans: 1. Birsa Munda.
Q51. Which tribe reared cocoons?
1. Kol.
2. Baiga.
3. Khond.
4. Santhals.

Ans: 4. Santhals.
Q52. Warli revolt took place in _______ in 1940.
1. Gujarat.
2. Rajasthan.
3. Bihar.
4. Tamilnadu.

Ans: 2. Rajasthan.
Q53. Lists of statements with respect to the tribal life are given below. Choose the one that does not pertain to the
tribal life.

1. The tribal groups lived by hunting animals and gathering forest produce.
2. Most of the tribals ate fruits and roots collected from the forest and cooked food with the oil extracted from
the seeds.
3. The tribals saw forests as essential for survival.
4. The tribals always migrated and hence did not have a permanent forest habitat.

Ans: 4. The tribals always migrated and hence did not have a permanent forest habitat.
Q54. Which among the following options best describe broadcasting or scattering?
1. The method of sowing seeds in Jhum cultivation.
2. The method of harvesting in Jhum cultivation.
3. The method of raising cattle in poultries.
4. The method of granting titles to the tribal chiefs by the British.

Ans: 1. The method of sowing seeds in Jhum cultivation.
Q55. Oran tribe is based in ______ .
1. Kerala.
2. Jharkhand.
3. Tamilnadu.
4. Punjab.

Ans: 2. Jharkhand.
Q56. How did Birsa Munda die?
1. He died of malaria.
2. He was captured by the British and killed.
3. He committed suicide.
4. He died of cholera.

Ans: 4. He died of cholera.

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