Class 8th Social Science


Social Science

Civics Chapter 1: The Indian Constitution

The Indian Constitution : We follow rules in almost everything we do. There are certain rules in a family as to when people wake up


Civics Chapter 2: Understanding Laws

Understanding Laws : When we say that the Constitution is the foundation of all laws, we do not mean that nothing in it can be changed


Civics Chapter 3: Understanding Marginalisation

Understanding Marginalisation : The term ‘Adivasis’ literally means ‘original inhabitants’. Since time immemorial, the Adivasis have been living in lands


Civics Chapter 4: Law and Social Justice

Law and Social Justice : Laws are made to govern the country and its people. They are made so that the rights of the common people are not violated


Civics Chapter 5: Understanding Secularism

Understanding Secularism : In India, any citizen can contest elections, or join the armed forces or the police, or own land, or win a scholarship, etc.


Civics Chapter 6: JUDICARY

JUDICARY : When we speak of the judiciary, we mean the judges, or the courts taken collectively. Besides punishing wrong-doers


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Civics Chapter 7: Confronting Marginalisation

Confronting Marginalisation : The Constitution of India has given fundamental rights to each citizen of the country irrespective of religion


Civics Chapter 8: Why Do We Need a Parliament?

Why Do We Need a Parliament? : During the colonial period, people of India had no role in the formulation of the laws which dealt with the administration


Civics Chapter 9: Understanding Our Criminal Justice System

Understanding Our Criminal Justice System : The criminal justice system in any country deals with elements such as the police, a public prosecutor


Civics Chapter 10: Public Facilities

Public Facilities : Public facilities are provided by the state to its citizens. For example, water, sanitation and health facilities are provided



Chapter 1: Resources

Resources : Look and see the beautiful world around you. The flowers blooming in the garden, the bees and butterflies humming on them


Chapter 2: Agriculture

Agriculture : Farming depends on various conditions such as geography of land, availability of labour, kinds of tools used and the level of technology.


Chapter 3: Land, Soil, Water, Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Resources

Wildlife Resources : Land, soil, water, natural vegetation and wildlife are some extremely vital resources for any country.


Chapter 4: Human Resources

Human Resources : People are a nation’s greatest resource. Nature’s bounty becomes significant only when people find it useful.


Chapter 5: Minerals and Power Resources

MINERALS AND POWER RESOURCES : Any naturally occurring substance which has a definite chemical composition is a mineral. Minerals are formed


Chapter 6: Industries

INDUSTRIES : The word 'industry' refers to any economic activity concerned with the processing of raw materials into finished products



Chapter 1: How When and Where

HOW WHEN AND WHERE : Since long history has been associated with dates. It was because historians and people were mostly concerned


Chapter 2: Tribals, Dikus and the Vision of a Golden Age

THE VISION OF A GOLDEN AGE : The tribals in the nineteenth century were involved in many activities. They were a part of the following economic activities:


Chapter 3: India after Independence

India after Independence : The joy of Indian Independence in 1947 from the colonial rule was marred by the partition of the country.


Chapter 4: Weavers, Iron Smelters, and Factory Owners Indian Textile

FACTORY OWNERS INDIAN TEXTILE : The East India Company came to India primarily for trading purposes. To secure their trading interests, they gradually occupied



FROM TRADE TO TERRITORY : After the death of Aurangzeb in 1707, the Mughal Empire began to disintegrate. Many Mughal governors and big zamindars


Chapter 6: When People Rebel

When People Rebel : The revolt of 1857 shook the foundations of the British rule in India. The revolt took place because of numerous reasons.


Chapter 7: The Changing World of Visual Arts

The Changing World of Visual Arts : India had its own indigenous forms of art before the arrival of the British. The advent of the British brought changes


Chapter 8: Women, Caste and Reforms

WOMEN CASTE AND REFORMS : The Indian society in the nineteenth century was orthodox in nature. Some common societal practices existing at this time were


Chapter 9: Ruling the Countryside

Ruling the Countryside : In 1765, the Company received the Diwani (right to collect revenues) of Bengal from the Mughal Emperor. It resulted in the following:


Chapter 10: Colonialism and the City

COLONIALISM AND THE CITY : In India, the cities of Calcutta, Bombay and Madras emerged as Presidency cities during the late eighteenth century.


Chapter 11: Civilising the “Native”, Educating the Nation

CIVILISING THE NATIVE : After the British conquered India, many changes came into Indian political, economic, educational, social, and cultural aspects.


Chapter 12: The Making of the National Movement

The Making of the National Movement
