Class 9th Mathematics


Chapter 1​ - Number Systems

Number Systems : Numbers 1, 2, 3…….∞, which are used for counting are called natural numbers. The collection of natural numbers is denoted by N.

Chapter 1


Polynomials : Polynomials are algebraic expressions that consist of variables and coefficients. Variables are also sometimes called indeterminates.

Chapter 2

Coordinate Geometry

Coordinate Geometry : Two perpendicular number lines intersecting at point zero are called coordinate axes. The horizontal number line is the x-axis

Chapter 3

Linear Equations in Two Variables

Linear Equations in Two Variables : An equation of the form ax + by + c = 0, where a, b and c are real numbers, such that a and b are not both zero

Chapter 4

Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry

Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry : Though Euclid defined a point, a line and a plane, but the definitions are not accepted by mathematicians.

Chapter 5

Lines and Angles

Lines and Angles : A line is a breadthless length which has no end point. Here, AB is a line and it is denoted by AB⃡.

Chapter 6


Triangles : If two triangles ABC and DEF are congruent under the correspondence A ↔ D, B ↔ E and C ↔ F, then symbolically, it is expressed as ΔABC ≅ Δ DEF.

Chapter 7


Quadrilaterals : A quadrilateral is a closed figure obtained by joining four points (with no three points collinear) in an order.

Chapter 8

Area of Parallelograms and Triangles

Area of Parallelograms and Triangles : The part of the plane enclosed by a simple closed figure is called a planar region corresponding to that figure.

Chapter 9

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Circles : A circle is the locus of a point which lies in the plane in such a manner that its distance from a fixed point in the plane is constant.

Chapter 10


Constructions : To divide a line segment internally in a given ratio m: n, where both m and n are positive integers, we follow the steps given below:

Chapter 11

Heron’s Formula

Heron’s Formula : If a, b and c denote the lengths of the sides of a triangle, then the area of the triangle is calculated by using Heron's formula

Chapter 12

Surface Areas and Volumes

Surface Areas and Volumes : If l, b, h denote respectively the length, breadth and height of a cuboid, then: Lateral surface area four walls = 2(ℓ + b) h

Chapter 13


Statistics : The arithmetic mean, also called the average, is the quantity obtained by adding all the observations and then dividing by the total observations.

Chapter 14


Probability : In the experimental approach to probability, we find the probability of the occurrence of an event by actually performing the experiment

Chapter 14