Class 12 Commerce English Grammar


Omissions and Contradictions relate to previous statement made by a witness. Omission means missing to state something from the earlier statement. Contradiction means stating something different from the earlier statement. Causes, and more particularly, effects of such ‘something missing (omissions)’ and ‘something different (contradictions)’ have to be dealt with by every judicial officer while waighing testimonies of witnesses.

Since in Indian Evidence Act the terms contradiction and omission are not defined but reference finds in section 155 as to impeach the credit of witness by adverse party. Section 155(3) provides as “by proof of former statements inconsistent with any part of his evidence which is liable to be contradicted. Section 145 of the Indian Evidence Act provides the manner in which the witness can be cross examined as to previous statement in writing”. As per dictionary meaning the term “Contradiction” means “the act of saying something that is opposite or very different in meaning to something else.”


Omission is a type of question that has been set in English Grammar where one word has been omitted in each line of the given paragraph and one has to write the missing word along with the words that comes before and after it.

Omission is defined as the act of omitting or leaving something out; a piece of information or thing that is left out. An example of omission is information left out of a report. An example of omission is the price of the new shoes that you didn’t reveal. noun.

Errors and Omissions:

Omission of errors is type of Errors happen because the learners were still lack of form or grammar that is supposed to have in the sentence, but the learners omit or delete it. While addition is a type of error that happen when the students add an unnecessary word/ phrase.

Meaning – Contradiction and Omission: –

If witness deposes in the court that certain fact existed but he has not stated accordingly in his statement before police, it is a case of conflict between the deposition in the court and statement before police. Therefore, statement before police can be used to contradict his deposition before court.

Meaning of Omission: –

  1. i) Omitting or being omitted.
  2. ii) Thing omitted

If witness has deposed in Chief examination the certain thing which he has omitted to state before police in his statement, it is called omission. The court will not take cognizance of omissions which are not relating to material point.

Meaning of contradiction: –

As per the Oxford dictionary, term ‘contradict’ (verb) means.

  1. Deny a statement made by (a person). 
  2. be in opposition to or in conflict with. [contradiction noun]
  3. Denies (a statement).

If a witness deposes in the court that a certain fact existed, but he has not stated accordingly in his statement before the police, it is a case of conflict between the deposition in court and statement before the police. Therefore, statement before the police can be used to contradict his deposition before the court. 

‘Statement’ in its Dictionary meaning is the act of stating or reciting. And ‘contradict’ according to Oxford Dictionary means to affirm to the contrary. If the statement before the police officer, and the statement in the evidence before the Court are so inconsistent or irreconcilable with each other, that both of them cannot co-exist, then it may be said that one contradicts the other. Further explanation to Section 162 of Code of Criminal Procedure, says that ‘An omission to state a fact or circumstance, in the statement may amount to contradiction if the same appears to be significant and otherwise relevant having regard to the context, in which such omission occurs’. Whether any omission amounts to contradiction in the particular context shall be a question of fact


  • Write the omitted/ missing word in the following paragraph which has not been edited. Write the missing word along with the word that comes before and after it.


  • play an important
  • in the personal
  • of their children
  • is the best
  • and the first
  • parents must attend
  • without any fail
  • Write the omitted / missing word in the following paragraph which has not been edited. Write the missing word along with the word that comes before and after it.


  • dreamt of going
  • is a battlefield
  • need to be
  • Anybody can exist
  • Out of coat
  • be very hard
  • it can also
  • Write the omitted / missing word in the following paragraph which has not been edited. Write the missing word along with the word that comes before and after it.


  • months ago, I
  • went to the
  • when I reached
  • found being labelled
  • As a foreign
  • discovered that a
  • was from Japan
  • from any other
  • Hard as an
  • Write the omitted / missing word in the following paragraph which has not been edited. Write the missing word along with the word that comes before and after it.


  • Bombard was a
  • immediately got ready
  • He pulled down
  • soon reached to
  • he saw the
  • he could swim
  • He felt that
  • he didn’t lose
  • soon caught with

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