Class 11 PCMB English Grammar


A notice is an official communication, which announces or conveys some information. A notice is usually affixed on the noticeboard by an organization or institution to announce an event, celebration, or some important information.

A notice may contain news /information about something that has happened or is likely to happen’ It may be a formal announcement of public importance, or an advance warning meant for compliance and information. A notice can ‘be about a meeting, an event, an excursion /a historical trip/a picnic, Lost and found, change of name/address/uniform/timings/venue etc. Notices are generally meant to be put up on specific display boards, whether in schools or in public places. Notices issued by the government appear in newspapers.

A notice is displayed at a prominent place, usually on a noticeboard where everyone can see it. As with all compositions, you have to take care of the following:

(a) Format 

(b) Content

(c) Language


  • A notice should be written in the following format:
  • A heading to introduce the subject of the notice
  • The name of the organisation issuing the notice
  • The title ‘NOTICE’
  • The date
  • The body of the notice
  • The writer’s signature, name (in block letters) and designation

A notice should contain all the items shown in the format given below. The signature may be put in the right corner too. The date is sometimes put at the bottom of the page, in the left corner. people/organizations can show some variations. But it is ideal to follow a somewhat similar format for ease of understanding and uniformity. Let us look at the most used format of notices.


Notices should cover some important points that are to be communicated to the readers. Let us summarize the five points that the content of the notice will cover, the five W’s

You can see in the format given below that the content is put in two paragraphs. In the first paragraph, give all the information about the activity /event. In the second paragraph, write what the readers of the notice are expected to do.

  1. What: What is the notice about? The notice should be clear about what is going to happen (event), or what has already happened (occasion). This is the crux of the message and should be written clearly. There should not be any ambiguity.
  2. When: This is the time and the date of the event or meeting. If possible, the duration of the event should also be mentioned to people can schedule their time accordingly.
  3. Who: This will be who the notice is addressed to? Who all are supposed to adhere to the notice should be clearly mentioned to avoid confusion?
  4. Whom: And final detail should be whom to contact or get in touch with. This mentions who the appropriate authority is to contact.
  5. Where: If the notice is about an event, then the location of such an event must be written clearly. The venue or the location are important details, so make sure to include this in the notice.


The language of the notice should be simple, clear, and formal. All notices should have a box around them.


  • Notice for meeting.
  • Notice for events like competition/celebration/annual sports event/cultural festival/winter carnival etc.
  • Notice for lost or found.
  • Notice For tours /fairs/exhibitions/campaignas/seminars/workshops/debates/group talk etc.
  • Notice for appeal/warning/guideline/message in-public interest.
  • Notice for Change of name/residence/company/ bank account/timings etc.


  • Draft a notice in not more than 50-words for your school notice board, informing the students about the sale of old sports goods of your school. You are Rohini/Rohan the secretary of sports club of Alka Public School, Indira Nagar Faridabad.
  • You are Amit/Anita, Head Boy/Head Girl of your school. You are organizing a career counseling session for class XI and XII students of your school. Write a notice giving details to be displayed on your noticeboard in about 50 words.
  • As Secretary of the Activity Club of your school, draft a notice for the school noticeboard, informing students of the Inter-class Quiz contest being organized by the school. You are Nafisa/Pankaj. [Word limit: 50]
  • You are Man/Mani, secretary of the History Club of K.V. Sr. Sec. School, Badodhra. Draft a notice in not more than 50 words informing the students of class XI and XII about a proposed tour to Rajasthan during the coming summer vacations.

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