Class 12 Art English Grammar


In this composition (article) the student can combine information with his own opinion and suggestions. In articles one should give one’s own experience and point of view. This part of the writing section is the most interesting and, at the same time, the most challenging part of your English syllabus. Writing an article is the most interesting because it allows you to show the originality of your thoughts as well as to express opinions on the current issues and problems faced by people at large. It is challenging for the same reason. Your ideas are presented to the reader reflecting your maturity, your awareness, your control over language. It is best to approach this question calmly, logically and systematically so that you showcase your ideas, opinions and language abilities in an impressive way. It is desirable that you keep yourself reasonably well informed about current affairs,  ports, social issues and have an opinion about them. It is also necessary to practice writing articles and essays so that you can refine your expressions and overcome grammatical irregularities that may be lurking in your writing. You should first plan your article in a rough draft before you put your thoughts finally on paper.

Types of Article Writing

An article is a piece of writing which explicates ideas, thoughts, facts, suggestions and/or recommendations based on a particular topic. There are different kinds of articles, namely:

  • Expository article: The most common type of article which allows you to put out information on any particular topic without the influence of your opinions.
  • Argumentative article: An article in which an author poses a problem or an issue, renders a solution to the proposed problem and provides arguments to justify why their suggestions/solutions are good.
  • Narrative article: An article in which you have to narrate mostly in the form of a story.
  • Descriptive article: An article written with the aim of providing a vivid description that would allow the reader to visualise whatever is being described; using the right adjectives/adjective phrases is what will help you write a descriptive article.
  • Persuasive article: An article aimed at persuading or convincing the readers to accept an idea or a point of view.

Writing an article takes a lot of effort on the side of the writer. Content writers/creators, bloggers, freelance writers and copywriters are people who have mastered the art of article writing, without which they would not be able to make their mark as a writer of any kind.

An article is written for a specific purpose like informing, persuading, convincing or entertaining the reader.

The Format of Article Writing

An article must be organized in a proper way so as to draw the attention of the readers. The basic outline for an article writing format is

  1. Heading / Title
  2. A line having the writer’s name
  3. Body (the main part of the article, 2 – 3 paragraphs)
  4. Conclusion (Ending paragraph of the article with the opinion or recommendation, anticipation or an appeal)

Steps for Article Writing Format

Think of the topic you want to write the article about. Only after you’ve decided your topic you can go ahead and undertake the further steps in the process one by one:

  1. Target Audience: Identify the concerning reading group.
  2. Purpose: Find the objective or aim of writing the article.
  3. Collect & Select: Gather as such information as possible. Also, identify the details that are most significant.
  4. Organize: Arrange the information and the facts in a logical way.


Once you’ve taken care of all the Above steps you move forward to the final step- Writing.

  1. While writing an article, always use proper grammar, spelling, and proper punctuations.
  2. Use vocabulary skill.
  3. Keep the introduction of the topic catching, interesting, and short.
  4. Discuss the opinion and the matter in an organized and descriptive manner.


  • Every activity that man indulges in creates pollution and waste of some kind. In fact, the need of the hour is to reduce pollution in all possible ways. Write an article on the topic ‘Reducing Pollution-Need of the Hour’in 150-200 words. You are Brinda, an environmentalist.



by Brinda, Environmentalist

Pollution is contamination of land, water and air. It is increasing daily due to human activities performed in day-to-day life in order to live conveniently. But this gradually leads to the dangerous depletion of the environment. Plastic used by man is a big nuisance because it causes pollution. Plastic never decays. If we burn it, it pollutes the air we breathe. If we dump it in rivers or the sea, it pollutes the water and kills marine life. Chemical fertilisers are another source of pollution of land and water.

In order to check pollution, the polluted effluents from factories should be treated suitably before being disposed off in water bodies. Plastic and other materials should be recycled wherever possible. New techniques should be adopted in motor vehicles to reduce pollution from engine exhausts. We should use environmentally safe cleaning liquids for use at home and other public places.

To trap solid particulate matter emitted by chimneys, appropriate filters should be used. Lofty smokestacks should be built. Gases should be discharged through exhaust pipes higher in the air. Chemical industries should not be allowed to be set up on the banks of rivers.

In view of the great danger to mankind, many countries in the world including India have passed laws to prevent pollution. But it has been seen that anti-pollution laws are not being obeyed rigorously, pushing pollution up to new levels.

  • Write an article for a newspaper in 150-200 words on the topic “The Problem of Unemployment in India.’ Your are Nayan/Namita.



by Namita

The problem of unemployment in India means the problem of providing work to those who are willing to work. A large number of educated and uneducated people, who are capable of working and are also willing to do it, roam here and there without any job. So, the problem has assumed an acute form.

The population is increasing by leaps and bounds, leaving a large section of the people unemployed. Even highly educated persons fail to get employment in India. The economic and educational policy of the country should thus be reframed. Avenues for employment for the abundant labour should be provided by encouraging entrepreneurship. Besides this, stress must be laid on family planning. Every effort must be made to check the rapid rise in population. More stress should be laid on technical and vocational education.

Our country can advance economically, politically or socially only when the unemployment problem is solved. Frustration, drug addiction, even suicides, are by and large the evil results of unemployment Unrest and disorder has increased in society. It is, therefore, the duty of the government to make every possible effort to solve this problem.

  • You are concerned about the ongoing controversy regarding the media’s role in sensationalising news, moulding public opinion and moral policing. Write an article for a newspaper in 150-200 words on the topic ‘Role of Media-What Should it be?’. You are Mallika/Manish.



by Mallika

The role of media is extremely vital in a country like India. But are the different media like press, print and electronic, playing a constructive role in shaping our society and nation? This question needs a positive answer. It is apparent that media has strayed from the required path and absolved its responsibility due to commercial pressures. Profit is all’ is the dictum for them, whether it is the newspapers, magazines, news channels or the mushrooming FM radio stations.

They prefer to sensationalise every bit of information. Be it the marriages or reported affairs of popular movie stars or even the rescue operation of a child from a narrow ditch, they over-dramatise and exaggerate everything. Is this constructive?

The new trend of showing sting operations on the news channels has become an everyday occurrence. It is an easy but cheap way to gain popularity and increase the TRP of their channels. By resorting to such tactics, they are exploiting the freedom granted to them. Is this constructive?

The media should understand its responsibility and get down to the right business, leaving behind the alluring target of being number one. It should only focus at passing on correct and exact information without any comments for or against anyone.

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