Class 12 Art English Grammar


Invitation – An invitation is a written or verbal request inviting someone to go somewhere or to do something. An invitation is a request, a solicitation, or an attempt to get another person to join you at a specific event. When you ask people to attend a party, visit your beach house, or witness your marriage, you invite them by giving them an invitation.

To invite someone for an occasion, we use the written form Invitation.

Invitations are generally printed cards through which we invite our guests on some auspicious occasions like wedding, birthday, wedding anniversary, house warming, the inauguration of a shop/factory, etc.


  1. Formal invitations
  2. Informal invitations

It can be in the form of an invitation card, which is a formal way of inviting people. It can

be also in the form of a note or a letter, which is an informal way of inviting people. For

instance, inviting relatives, friends, colleagues etc. to attend some particular function or

an occasion such as engagement, marriage, birth, death or public function is an informal

invitation. It is an essential part of social etiquette. Informal invitations are addressed in

freehand writing to friends and relatives. Formal invitations may be in the form of

(a) Card or (b) Letter. They are addressed in a fixed format to a person in a department

having a designation, with proper salutations.
Formal invitations:

  • Formal invitations are written in the third person. The person who extends the invitation.
  • Start with the designation of the organiser. writes his name.
  • Then comes the name of the person, who is being invited.
  • Details of date, time, venue of the even function. Date, venue, time should be clearly mentioned.
  • In case, the party is organized at some other place, like a hotel, etc., then the complete address of the person, along with his contact number, has to be clearly mentioned.
  • Some formal invitations like the wedding invitations carry the expression of RSVP, which means Rdpondez S’il vous, plait’; please reply.
  • The address of the person who extends the invitation must always be given even if the function is organized at some other venue.

Informal invitations:

  • These are like short informal letters.
  • The salutation, subscription, address on the top are the same, like in an informal letter.
  • These are always written in the first person.
  • These letters are first/second person presentations.
  • Fire writes address is given in the ueual place.
  • The style and tone are relaxed and informal.
  • Different tenses are used as the sense demands
  • The date of writing is given, but the year is generally omitted.
  • Personal feelings and emotions find an expression.

Formol (Refusal and Acceptance)

  • I’ A formal reply is like a formal invitation, but it is not a card. It is a handwritten reply to the Invitation. 
  • It is written in the third person.
  • The format will be the same as given in the invitation.
  • No specific reasons are given for refusal. only expressions like prior commitment, etc. are used. 
  • In an acceptance reply, expressions Like ‘will be delighted to attend it, are used.

Informal (Refusal and Acceptance)

  • These are written in the same format as in the informal invitation. 
  • These are written in the first person.
  • A specific reason for refusal can be given

Value Points:

  • Simple and elegantly printed
  • Formal invitations are in 3rd person [she, he, they]
  • Do not use abbreviations for the guest names, titles, days, and dates.
  • Write the subject matter in the Centre. Other details like dress code may be put on the
  • bottom corner L or R.
  • A route map at the back if required.


  • The Literary CIub of your school is putting up the play’ waiting for Godot’. As secretary of the club, draft an invitation inviting the famous writer Sudeesh Gupta to be the guest of honour at the function. Write the invitation in about 50 words. You are Suyash/Shivani


Sahran Public School

Rajinder Nagar

New Delhi 1100XX

29th January 20XX

Respected Sir

The Literary Club of our school is going to present the play ‘Waiting for Godot’ on I February

20XX in the school auditorium. We would be pleased if you accept to be the guest of honour for the same.

Kindly confirm. 

Hoping for a positive reply.

Thank you,

Yours faithfully

Shivani Sethi

(Secretary, Literary Club)

  • You have received an invitation to be the judge for a literary competition in St Ann’s School.

Send a reply in not more than 50 words, confirming you acceptance. You are Vikash Kajal


Mr. Vikash Sharma thanks the Principal, St. Ann’s School for their kind invitation for judging the literary competition on 14th March 20XX. He accepts the invitation with pleasure and will reach the venue at 8 a.m. to judge the event.


Vikash Sharma

  • Mr. Ankit Mathur wishes to invite his friend Mr. Ritesh Sharma to his brother’s engagement party. Draft an informal invitation in about 50 words,


12/16 Rajendra Nagar

New Delhi

16th Jun 20XX

My Dear Ritesh

You. Will be very_ glad. to know that my brother is getting engaged on 26th July 20XX. you and your family are cordially invited.

My parents are looking forward to having you with us at the engagement ceremony at our residence at 9 p.m.

Your friend

Ankit Mathur

  • Ms. Sonia Anand wishes to invite her friend for Bhoomi Puja at her residence in Karol Bagh. Design a formal invitation in about 50 words on her behalf.

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